Why I’m No Longer a Literature Major (And don’t aspire to be a writer)

Four years ago, I decided to seek a college degree. At the time, I wasn’t really sure about what I wanted to do after school; I just knew that I needed out of the job I had at the time. Since I was homeschooled through my middle school and high school years, I had not been prepared for choosing a future career. When I needed to pick a subject to major in, I chose psychology because it was something that I found interesting. I still find psychology interesting, but after my first year, I realized that I wasn’t interested in working in that field. I bounced around for a while trying to decide on what I liked enough to major in. I thought about majoring in chemistry or biology. I considered anthropology. In the end, I decided on an English major, partly because I liked studying literature and partly because it gave me the ability to incorporate all the other subjects I like in some way. When I transferred from community college to a university, I added a philosophy major. Philosophy is my passion, but I love literature and writing. I decided to double major in both literature and philosophy since I couldn’t choose one over the other.

So a year ago I was all set to head to a new school. I was excited to take more in depth classes. To spend more time with students who weren’t just taking these classes to fulfill their Arts and Letters requirement but were actually majoring in the same subject. I was ready to attend a school with a greater academic rigor and eventually go on to grad school. However, a year later, I find myself conflicted about education in general and mostly annoyed with the “Lit Lovers”.

My annoyance with “Lit Lovers” is most of the reasoning for dropping to a single major, philosophy. Let me explain what I mean by “Lit Lovers”. These are the people who claim that they love literature and the English language. Most of them want to be writers, hate Twitter, and see themselves as “deeper” than the average reader. They claim to love English but will give you a long rant about how such and such group is ruining it, or they hate a certain phrase/word, or they can’t stand maximum page limits on writing assignments. As I see it, these people don’t love literature and creative writing; they just love it when it is done “correctly”, which basically means it conforms to their individual taste.

I formerly thought I wanted to be a writer. Technically, I still do. I mean, I’m not going to stop writing. It’s something I do to organize my thoughts, to share my opinions, to express myself. But I have given up on wanting to be perceived as a writer. I don’t need to sound deep. I choose to love the language for all that it’s capable of. I don’t want to conform to anyone’s standard of writing; I want to write so that whoever reads understands the idea I’m try to convey (or feels something, in the case of my poetry). Sadly, I’ve learned that in the academic world of literature there is no place for people like me. Every professor want you to write their way but pays lip-service to creativity. It’s not creativity if I’m copying your standard!

And this is why I chose philosophy over literature (when it comes to majors, in life I’ll still love both of them). When I write a philosophy paper, I’m graded on how well I express and defend my argument. The comments I get from professors focus on parts of the argument that are weak or unclear, not about how I should write this way or that way. I don’t have to sit through rants about how they “hate the word ‘interesting'”. I don’t get a 5 page assignment instruction packet that only 1 page worth is actual explanation of the assignment requirements and the other 4 pages are a length opinion article about the “proper” writing process. 

It’s not just the world of academia where these people exist. Every friend (past or present) that I know who wants to be a writer feels the same way. I know that there are probably published authors out there who don’t submit to this smug attitude, but it seems like the overwhelming majority fall into the elitist group.

And I don’t want to be one of them. I’m realistic. I know that my writing will probably not be remembered after I’m dead. I know that the chances that I’ll produce something that gains any sort of major recognition are pretty slim. Luckily, that’s not why I write. I will always see language as a changing entity. Some of the changes are tougher to accept than others, but that doesn’t make them bad. I may not like every style of writing, but I still appreciate them. And I’ll continue to write for myself because anyone else enjoying my writing is just a bonus.

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Why, hello. Do you remember me? I’m that person that use to write here, but has been absent for a while.

Okay, so this post is mostly just going to be an update for a few of my internet friends who have been wondering how I’ve been and when I’ll be back to my normal routine. (On a random note, I just realized that because I’m not on my computer using my browser it doesn’t automatically spell check for me. 😦 For someone who really has a trouble with spelling, I miss that feature immensely.)

Basically, I just started school last two weeks ago (seriously, time seems to be flying by and I can’t keep track of it), and it is taking up a lot of my time and effort (16 credits, 4 classes, 3 philosophy courses, 2 upper division, 1 forty-hour civic engagement project, and all classes with a ton of reading and writing!!!). I feel a little overwhelmed by the amount of work that I have to achieve over the semester. I’m pretty much having to talk myself down from a ledge about every other day. Oh, and did I mention that I have to read Kant?

However, school isn’t the only thing affecting my absence from the interwebs. During my first week of class, my temporary housing more or less fell through and I ended up sleeping in my car for a night. (Anyone who offers me pity will…face consequences? I don’t know, I really hate threatening people but it seems to be the most effective way to demonstrate how much I despise pity. It’s such a meaningless emotion.) Now, I’m staying in a pretty run down hotel, which is better than several alternatives. On the downside, though, it has really sent my anxiety to monstrous proportions at times. This has sent me into a little bit of depression, which, in trying to manage it, has me on a somewhat roller coaster of emotions. (For example, I’m sitting at the library writing about this and trying to keep from crying because I’m in a public space and don’t want to be “that crazy woman.” Luckily, it’s Sunday, so there are very few people here.) Pretty much, for the last week and a half, I have little energy to do anything except pull myself out of bed for class. On top of that, I’m feeling completely isolated and as if no one cares. This has caused me to remove myself even more from the internet (which is, for some reason, the only place I’ve found people who seem to give a damn about me).

The good news, after all that shit I just unloaded in the last paragraph, is that I’m starting to come out of it. It seems as though there is a light at the end of the tunnel. (What is with me and idioms today? I really need to stop that.) Things seem to be getting better in the housing department, and I’m getting into a groove a handle on my school work (really most of it is easy. I’m just freaking out about the civic engagement project). I hope to start blogging regularly again, which will most likely be once a week and probably on Sundays (I only have internet access on campus and my laptop is too bulky to carry around, so the library on Sundays is my best bet).

Well, I miss you all. And hope to have more upbeat conversations soon. Now go watch videos of kittens or something to cleanse your emotional palate.

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A Grand Farewell

It’s official: I’ve finished my associate’s degree. This morning I had my last final of the term and my college career at TVCC. It seemed fitting that I should have this class with the professor who has been most influential in my life. He is the person, along with one other professor, who made me believe that I could be a writer. Actually, I wouldn’t be studying either of the fields I am without their influence. I am truly grateful for that I got to know them over the past few years.

This is all a little bittersweet. I love this school and that makes it hard to know I’m leaving. On the other hand, it means that I’ve accomplished something that I didn’t know I could 3 years ago. Something that several people in my life have thought wasn’t worth my time. I’m ready, and excited, to move on to the next task. In a couple years, I hope to have my bachelor’s and be on my way to graduate school. I really can’t wait.

So leaving is sad, but I’ll just have to make sure to come back and visit. 🙂

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One Hurdle Cleared

It’s pretty much official: summer break is here*. I’m not usually happy about a break from school. I usually start complaining about being bored within 72 hours of my last final. I know I’m weird, but I really love learning.

However, I’m actually pretty excited about having a break. Sure, there is a good chance I’ll be complaining in a month, but I’m ready to be stress free for a little while. Also, I’ve grown enough in my confidence as a writer that I plan on doing a lot of writing this summer. I might even submit work in some writing contests.

It is amazing to me to think of where I am now. Next week, I will graduate with my first college degree. When I started 3 years ago, I had little confidence that I could do it. I also never imagined that I would be aiming to be a published writer. In fact, it was the furthest thing from my mind.

I had little direction then. All I knew was that I couldn’t go on working a dead-end job, and school seemed the only way out. Now, I have a clear path in front of me. I’m still letting it unfold as I go, but I know that the biggest obstacle to me obtaining my dreams was me. And I’m not letting that happen again.

One of my favorite lines in Shakespeare (really, I have a lot of “favorite” lines from Shakespeare) is from King Lear. After Cordelia refuses to praise her father, Lear charges her:

“Nothing can come of nothing: speak again.” Act I, Scene 1

This line struck me from the moment I first read it, and it has become my motto. There is a chance that I might fail and never amount to anything. However, the only way for that to be a certainty is if I never try. Nothing can come of nothing.

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*So finals are next week, but those will be a breeze. I say that school is over because I just finished the last “real” assignment for my classes. This is because I’ve never struggled with tests, only papers (and that is only because I’m extremely critical of my writing…this blog is my attempt at working on that problem).

My Life As It Stands

Depression sucks.

It especially sucks when it gets in the way of your life. It’s my last week of the school term. I have things that need to be done, classes to pass. I don’t have the energy or motivation to do any of it. I barely can find the will to still go to school every day. It helps that I really like school and it is the only good thing in my life right now.

The biggest problem is that I can’t afford to fail, or even get low grades, in my classes because I’m graduating and transferring to a university. I have a scholarship that is dependent on my GPA. I’m on the cusp of dropping below the requirement.

You know what I really hate about this depression? I should be so happy right now. I’m the first of my family to earn a college degree. I was just given the Outstanding English Student of the Year award from my school. I’ve earned the praise of several of my professors for my writing and other schoolwork. Why am I not happy?

I’m trapped in a world I don’t know how to get out of. I love my family, but I’m beginning to question whether they love me. They say they do, but they don’t show it. I can’t remember the last time someone asked me what I needed. Every time I try to tell them what I need, they get mad. They feel I’m being mean, putting them down. Is it any wonder that I dream about being free from them? Longing for a day when I can pretend they don’t exist.

I wonder what it is all worth. My family only cares about me succeeding so they can brag. I have a sister who thinks I’m the worst person in the world simply because of who I am. Because I value knowledge, which apparently makes me pretentious although I’ve never claimed to be better than anyone. Because I don’t accept her idea of what I should do with my life. I have family members who tell me I’m stupid, mean, and going to hell just because I no longer believe in God. Because I question the value of religion. Because I don’t think that the religious are above reproach.

I’m not happy. I use to be. Maybe a part of me still is. I still believe in myself and love who I am. I don’t regret any decision I’ve made. I’m excited about my future.

I just wish I could get rid of the negative influences in my life. I don’t know how to do that.

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My Brain…It’s Weird, Man

Since we have a paper due soon in American Lit, today our professor lectured about documenting sources with MLA citation. I’ve heard this speech SO MANY TIMES! I started to take notes, but I realized I already knew everything being discussed. Instead, I started a free write about how bored I was. I learned that I’m really not a nice person. I thought I would share the proof of this statement. I hope this entertains someone. (Italics: my current commentary on the original)

I already know all this. Why do I come to this class? If I didn’t want an A in this class (which requires that I get the participation points), I would only come when there is an exam. This is the longest hour and a half of my day. Are there a lot of people who don’t know this stuff? (Answer: yes, evidenced by the amount of people that were taking notes.) Oh wait, I go to school with a ton of stupid people. (See what I mean? I’m a terrible person. However, I challenge you to come to my school and conduct your own evaluation. We’ll see if you come to a different conclusion.) It must suck (I couldn’t think of a better adjective at the time…don’t judge me) to be a professor since you have to keep going over basic information. (This is why I still question whether I want to go into teaching. Can I handle that much head banging?) Why are these people (the stupid ones) in college if they can’t learn? Some people should just give up. Yes, I’m mean (see, I even knew it at the time I was writing this. Sometimes meanness is required. As Hamlet said, “I must to be cruel only to be kind.” I have succeeded in making a reference to Shakespeare…my job is complete.), but they are just holding the rest of us back. Ha, he just apologized to those of us having to listen to this speech again. (At this point, I wondered if my continuous writing had caught the professors attention. I didn’t really care though.)  How about those of us who have heard this in every English class? Being an English major (Now, I’m just bitching…it’s even annoying me as I read back through it. Sorry.), I cannot count how many times I’ve had to listen to this information.

Then I listen for a brief moment (mostly just to see if I needed to be listening). I continued:

“Only use ‘para’ OR page number.” Is this hard for people? (Obviously, yes, for some.) I can give them a coloring book that is more their speed. (Just slightly snarky…okay, really snarky.)

I figured I was done until my professor made a joke about someone having a parentheses phobia. That inspired:

Who has a parentheses phobia? What would that be called? (Hmm…maybe I could make up a name for it?) How would someone act if they had this phobia? (Someone much more clever than me should try making a character with this phobia.) They could never write phone numbers that included area codes (at least in the common American way of writing telephone numbers…also, I just realized that said person would be rendered almost catatonic by this post.) Math would be terrifying. They wouldn’t be able to write side notes. (By this, I mean what I am doing right now.)

These are the types of things that go through my head all the time. I hope you enjoyed your peek into my brain. If this makes you think differently about me, I hope it is in a good way. If in a bad way, I guess you know to avoid me now. Oh well, I can’t change it.