A Grand Farewell

It’s official: I’ve finished my associate’s degree. This morning I had my last final of the term and my college career at TVCC. It seemed fitting that I should have this class with the professor who has been most influential in my life. He is the person, along with one other professor, who made me believe that I could be a writer. Actually, I wouldn’t be studying either of the fields I am without their influence. I am truly grateful for that I got to know them over the past few years.

This is all a little bittersweet. I love this school and that makes it hard to know I’m leaving. On the other hand, it means that I’ve accomplished something that I didn’t know I could 3 years ago. Something that several people in my life have thought wasn’t worth my time. I’m ready, and excited, to move on to the next task. In a couple years, I hope to have my bachelor’s and be on my way to graduate school. I really can’t wait.

So leaving is sad, but I’ll just have to make sure to come back and visit. 🙂

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